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From an in-depth documental, historical, technical and stylistic study to the organisation of an entire exhibition, from simple photography to complex scientific analyses, and from a localised conservation intervention to a complete conservation and restoration treatment, we trust that we can offer you an extensive range of services with the highest standards.
Our international and highly specialised profiles with proven experience in different Cultural Heritage fields, having worked with diverse international cultural institutions and partners, allow us to ensure the best services.
Please, check what we can do for you!
Preventive Conservation & Risk Management
Condition Reports
Technical Art History
Conservation-Restoration of Easel Paintings
Conservation-Restoration of Books and Graphics Documents
Preservation for Library and Archive Collections, Conditioning
Courier Trips
Scientific Consultancy
Visible Light Photography
UV Photography (UVL)
Macro Photography
Raking Light Photography
Infrared Reflectography (coming soon)
Infrared Photography
Radiography (coming soon)
Scientific Analysis (coming soon)
Educational programmes in History and Conservation of Books (for all ages)
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